The essence of happiness…

Have you ever woke up and just been inspired? This morning I can say I have been inspired…I’m dreamer and someone who loves to live life on the edge making those things come reality. Either jumping in a car to drive across the country or flying across the world to experience something so pure and so unbelievable. To say one day I stood at the Great Wall of China or jumped off a cliff in crystal blue water…I want say I lived, I dreamed, I traveled…I followed my heart..capturing a essence of happiness and joy..We sit day to day doing a daily routine and never making time to live…We get so wrapped up in making money that we never have time to experience the wonders of the world. We work so hard and forget how it feels to make memories…why not make time? I challenge you once a week to not worry about work to not worry about the stress that comes with life, but to take time to yourself or with friends and make a moment you will never forget…Life doesn’t stop so why not live it without a worry. From a simple gathering to watch a movie to flying to a foreign country with your best friend…Make the time you have with the ones who love you…make time with yourself…find your inner dreamer and go…and maybe you will inspire a stranger or even a friend or two…


It is WEDNESDAY!!! 🙂

Letting your heart Travel

Ever since I went to Italy a year ago I have had this rush of adrenaline to take every chance I have to travel. When I was a kid I always said once I had the money you would never find me in one place. Well I don’t have the money (#collegestudentproblems), but I do save my money so when an opportunity comes my way my plane ticket is booked and I’m on to my next adventure. This being said, I will be embarking on my first trip to the West Coast in 4 weeks! I have the opportunity to explore Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; and San Fran! It is probably going to be a trip to remember! Not only do I get to explore these beautiful cities, I get to go to a few MLB games, meet with the marketing departments of these teams, a few colleges, and a few sport organizations. My best friends can tell you I am a sport junkie! I mean my degree is Sport Management! 😉  This being said when you have the chance to travel or even be adventurous take the chance and go. You never know if tomorrow will be your last or if you will ever have another chance to ever go…so let that heart of yours travel, explorer, and make new memories with those around you! I’m already planning my next adventures for this year…Come December I will have experienced a festival, a few more concerts, Chicago, and Central or South America. My motto is take chances, live life, and never look back … Are you ready to take that chance, hop on a plane, and just travel where ever your heart desires??




🙂 It’s the weekend ENJOY!

Fall Is In The Air

This past weekend I was reminded of how life is beautiful and sweet! I spent my time at my home away from home! I got the chance to step away from life and remind myself of how amazing it is. In the little college town I live in you don’t really have much to do, so I took the nights watching movies, eating sushi, thinking of where I should travel next, shopping at Urban, and studying for a Bio exam! Its times like this when I’m taken back, I can relax and be me! The weather was gorgeous, the wind blowing, and the seasons changing. Fall is in the air and so is love. My parents celebrated their 40th Anniversary! These days you don’t see marriages lasting that long anymore! Their love has never faded it has grew more then ever! I hope one day I can have a marriage like they have had for the past 40yrs! They are best role models and I am glad God chose them to be my parents!

Happy Wednesday!!





My Bucket List “YOLO”

My Bucket List

I am always coming up with things to do and I would have to say I will do anything! Having that rush of fear and excitement of doing something crazy is the best feeling!! Your only young once, so why not live life to the fullest. Dreaming big, Making memories! This is just a sample of things I want to do before I die! Can’t wait to start checking more and more off! 😀

1.)    Go cliff diving in Hawaii

2.)    Climb one of the tallest mountains and scream as loud as I can

3.)   Start or be apart of a Flash Mob

4.)    Go Camping/White water rafting

5.)    Take a road trip

6.)    Go back packing through a foreign country

7.)    Live in Italy for a year

8.)    Go to Italy

9.)    Take a 30day trip to Spain, France, and Greece

10.) Learn another language

11.) Start my own business

12.) Dance the night away

13.) Go to see a movie in a park

14.) Learn how to fly an airplane

15.) Learn how to snowboard

16.) Go skydiving

17.) Learn how to Surf in Australia

18.) Go bungee jumping

19.) Paddle Surf

20.) Swim with sharks

21.) Go snorkeling

22.) Go deep sea fishing

23.) Go see a Broadway play

24.) Run with the Bulls in Spain

25.) Be a trainer for a day at Sea World

26.) Go scuba diving (Great Barrier Reef)

27.) Go see the Great Wall of China

28.) Have lunch with a celebrity

29.) Go to Times Square on New Year’s Eve

30.) Finish learning how to play the guitar

31.) Indoor Sky Diving

32.) Horseback ride on a beach

33.) Go parasailing

34.) Go to every state in America

35.) See the Grand Canyon

36.) Drive a race car

37.) go Dune Buggy riding

38.) Do a marathon

39.) Go to a music festival

40.) See at least 100 concerts

41.) Help a random stranger

42.) Build a house for a family in a foreign country

43.) Go on a missions trip

44.) Take drawing classes

45.) Be an extra in a movie

46.) Go on a cruise

47.) Go to a tropical island with a bunch of friends

48.) Go water skiing

49.) See the Pyramids

50.) See a Boston Red Sox vs. NY Yankee game in both stadiums

52.) Make a new friend off the street

53.) Make my dream job become a reality

54.) Take a picture of the leaning tower of Pisa

55.) Start dancing on a random boardwalk

56.) Camp on a beach

57.) Get a Tattoo


My last final is tomorrow and today I have no motivation to study! All I can think about is whats to come this summer. From summer concerts, to relaxing on the beach, to road trips around the states. I think I have senioritis and I still have a year and a half left until I graduate! I know everyone says they wish they could go back to college instead of working, but I’m excited to get out in the work force. Yes I will miss the life of a college student and all the memories that come with it, but I’m looking forward to taking that next step and living my dreams. I remember as a kid wanting to grow up and be someone important like a doctor or lawyer. Now I know what I meant when I was a kid. It wasn’t about being important is was about leaving an impact on someones life. That’s why I want to travel the world, learn new cultures, help the unfortunate, make a difference in someones life, and be a business women in professional sports. Maybe this will motivate me to study the rest of the day, knowing all my hard work in school will one day lead me to doing the things I love and want to conquer in life!
