never let a test determine your fait

I watched this video the other day that made me think of how testing does not tell you who someone is by them making A or a C. We are made to think that if we are not the best we will fail, and if we fail we will never amount to nothing. I was the student that made A’s and B’s in high school, but sucked at testing! I got Hope Scholarship (GA student) and still managed to not be let into the College of my choice. My dreams of playing college ball faded due to not testing well and my dreams that I always dreamed of being began to slowly became a distant memory. I was even told once that because I failed I couldn’t ever be something despite how much passion I had for it. I was told by a high school even though I made all A’s in math, but did poorly on an the math portion of an entrance exam I needed to be held back a grade to go to there school. Despite all this I can say all the negativity has not kept me from doing what I want to do. When someone says I can’t do something  I just remember that they are the ones that are insecure with themselves. To put someone down because they failed once doesn’t mean they could never do it. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 times of failing to get to the top. Its about how much drive you have to never give up, to take negavitiy and make it positive, and to make your dreams reality no matter what someone says. I will be graduating from the same college this December that the 16yr old Kim wrote in her Jr. year book for school. I have traveled through some schools to get where I am today! Despite not being an architect, designing layouts, being a physical therapist I am living my first love dream to one day work for the NBA. So thank you to the ones who told me I would never be what I wanted to be, thank you for your negativity because I am right where I want to be. Living my life to the fullest, making my dreams come true, and serving a God who has never failed me! The skills God blesses you with might not shine through a test, but will shine when you are put to work. Never look at a grade you got on a test and be discouraged, but work your hardest and make your life your own. Take your passions you have in life and make them yours! Be you and never let someones input become your own!


Half way to FRIDAY!!!

Get excited guys 🙂


Letting your heart Travel

Ever since I went to Italy a year ago I have had this rush of adrenaline to take every chance I have to travel. When I was a kid I always said once I had the money you would never find me in one place. Well I don’t have the money (#collegestudentproblems), but I do save my money so when an opportunity comes my way my plane ticket is booked and I’m on to my next adventure. This being said, I will be embarking on my first trip to the West Coast in 4 weeks! I have the opportunity to explore Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; and San Fran! It is probably going to be a trip to remember! Not only do I get to explore these beautiful cities, I get to go to a few MLB games, meet with the marketing departments of these teams, a few colleges, and a few sport organizations. My best friends can tell you I am a sport junkie! I mean my degree is Sport Management! 😉  This being said when you have the chance to travel or even be adventurous take the chance and go. You never know if tomorrow will be your last or if you will ever have another chance to ever go…so let that heart of yours travel, explorer, and make new memories with those around you! I’m already planning my next adventures for this year…Come December I will have experienced a festival, a few more concerts, Chicago, and Central or South America. My motto is take chances, live life, and never look back … Are you ready to take that chance, hop on a plane, and just travel where ever your heart desires??




🙂 It’s the weekend ENJOY!