Dreams can come true…

So this week started my new adventure in life. I got to start my dream internship. I can contest that working hard and never giving up on your dreams that they can come true. I just happen to have an amazing God on my side who has given me the tools to succeed in making this come true. So when you feel like giving up on your dreams or they seem unreachable is the point when you need to dig a little harder and go after it like never before. No dream is to big or to small to go after no matter what others say or how long it takes. Never give up, always work hard, and live your life to the fullest. It’s about waking up and loving what you do. We only have one life so why not make it worth it….LIVE IT!!! 🙂


never let a test determine your fait

I watched this video the other day that made me think of how testing does not tell you who someone is by them making A or a C. We are made to think that if we are not the best we will fail, and if we fail we will never amount to nothing. I was the student that made A’s and B’s in high school, but sucked at testing! I got Hope Scholarship (GA student) and still managed to not be let into the College of my choice. My dreams of playing college ball faded due to not testing well and my dreams that I always dreamed of being began to slowly became a distant memory. I was even told once that because I failed I couldn’t ever be something despite how much passion I had for it. I was told by a high school even though I made all A’s in math, but did poorly on an the math portion of an entrance exam I needed to be held back a grade to go to there school. Despite all this I can say all the negativity has not kept me from doing what I want to do. When someone says I can’t do something  I just remember that they are the ones that are insecure with themselves. To put someone down because they failed once doesn’t mean they could never do it. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 times of failing to get to the top. Its about how much drive you have to never give up, to take negavitiy and make it positive, and to make your dreams reality no matter what someone says. I will be graduating from the same college this December that the 16yr old Kim wrote in her Jr. year book for school. I have traveled through some schools to get where I am today! Despite not being an architect, designing layouts, being a physical therapist I am living my first love dream to one day work for the NBA. So thank you to the ones who told me I would never be what I wanted to be, thank you for your negativity because I am right where I want to be. Living my life to the fullest, making my dreams come true, and serving a God who has never failed me! The skills God blesses you with might not shine through a test, but will shine when you are put to work. Never look at a grade you got on a test and be discouraged, but work your hardest and make your life your own. Take your passions you have in life and make them yours! Be you and never let someones input become your own!


Half way to FRIDAY!!!

Get excited guys 🙂


Be Courageous…

Joshua 1:9 – “This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Hey guys! 😉

Have you ever felt like your stuck going no where, afraid to take chances, or not strong enough to challenge yourself to do better things?

This verse is my go to verse when I feel discouraged/afraid to take chances in life…

I think we get to a point where we scare ourselves out of new opportunities

or we forget to put our trust in God.

God is my strength, the one who gives me the courage to go after things that I could never do on my own…

So before you get discourage and quit … hold onto faith, be patient, and be courageous because God is beside you

just like this verse states!

He will never fail you nor leave you

He knows you heart…

So I challenge you to take that leap of faith and never look back





I have been so inspired lately and my best friend has been one of the many reasons why. Her drive and passion for life is amazing! We recently went on a cruise and like most Christians (including me) we sometimes forget about God as if its a vacation from him as well, but not her. As we would get ready for dinner every night I noticed she would go out on the balcony and have her time with God.  If that’s not inspiring I don’t know what is. She is one of the most hard working people I know and has such a warm spirit about her. I am blessed to call her my best friend. They say you have many friends that come and go in your life, but you only have a handful that you will never lose. She has become one of those lifelong best friends. She inspires me to work daily on my relationship with God and to never lose sight of him. God has done so much for me in my life, but this year especially. He is teaching me patience and not to worry about life. It took me yesterday to realize I need to let him take care of everything instead of me stressing about it. He is the reason I have been given the opportunities that come my way and he is the reason I am where I am. I have a long journey this month, but because of my God he has cracked a door open into one of my life long dreams. I don’t want to be cocky or say what it might be because I know he has the final say in what doors open and close. But no matter what I am humble and thankful. He is my rock and I will never doubt him. Thanks Lisa for inspiring me with my walk with God and being you!  Your a inspiration to all and a best friend indeed!

It’s Tuesday, but the weekend will be here in no time! 😉
