Great Way To End A Weekend

Well today was crazy busy. I woke to go to church, but didn’t make it far. I rolled over and that was about it. lol I was so exhausted and I never get to sleep in. I know its a sorry excuse, but sometimes you have those days where you feel like being lazy. 😉 The rest of day I spent with my dad. I don’t get to see or hang out with him that much because he is a shift worker and is always working hard. So we make sure at least once a month we have a movie night together. We always get chocolate covered raisins and Dr. Peppers when we go. Its just movie tradition with us. This time we saw Battleship! It was amazing! A must see if you haven’t seen it yet. I love spending time with my dad he such an amazing person and has such a good heart. And now I am being lazy, getting ready to start my online class tomorrow. Great end to a wonderful weekend! I hope everyone had a wonderful one as well! 🙂